Isabelle Truman


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Beauty FeatureFrom Blue Velvet to Buffalo 66: how blue eye shadow conquered cult film
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Beauty FeatureButt plugs and tentacle nails: inside Grace Wardlaw’s world of glass
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Beauty Feature10 of the most erotic, explicit accounts on Instagram
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Beauty FeatureThe women whose boyfriends are made out of plastic
Thurman Linh Mince Onstage
Life & CultureClub Chrome is Australia’s first sex worker-led pole collective
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Life & CultureCan digital spaces help heal sexual trauma?
FashionThe rising designers breathing new life into Australian fashion
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Beauty FeatureI asked Lana Del Rey’s medium to contact my dead loved ones
Belladonna of Sadness
Beauty FeatureCan digital Reiki really heal people? An investigation
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Beauty FeatureIs self-confidence culture helpful, or a late capitalist ploy?
Beauty FeatureBBLs are over, eye bags are in, smoking is back. Is heroin chic next?