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Cara Delevingne’s new shag haircut brings the hair trend into 2021

The model has ditched her signature blonde for a new brunette ‘do

Way back in the before times – AKA pre-COVID – a new hair trend was blooming on the horizon: the shag haircut. Lead by the likes of Miley Cyrus, Zendaya, and Barbie Ferreira, the style harkened back to the 70s. Soon, it evolved into the modern mullet, a new obsession seemingly prompted by the likes of Tiger King’s Joe Exotic. 

Well, now Cara Delevingne is making a case for the shag’s comeback, debuting a new style on her Instagram yesterday. Conceived by hairstylist Mara Roszak, she told Vogue about the inspiration for the new ‘do. “Cara has such great natural texture in her hair, and I knew a long soft shag would be perfect to enhance that texture,” she says. “I was inspired by this late 70s early 80s Fast Times skater babe, that feels so Cara. It’s got a real rocker/skater vibe while maintaining a natural softness.” 

Fans of the model will also note that she lost her signature blonde locks, traded for a soft brunette, courtesy of colourist Jamie Levin. The new look was paired with a rainbow undereye liner look created by make-up artist Molly R Stern. With hairdressers and salons in the UK hopefully opening on April 12, there’s no doubt people waiting outside will be clutching print outs of Delevingne to copy.